
Smaller is bigger - The Sudoku

This is basically a killer sudoku puzzle but where the cage totals are not given and must be determined. The grid also contains a magic square, a diagonal constraint and some other rules to help solve the puzzle.

Smaller is bigger

• Normal sudoku Rules. Each row, column and 3x3 box contain the digits 1-9.
• Digits may not repeat on the marked diagonal.
• The central box contains a magic square. i.e. each row, column and diagonal must all sum to the same value.
• Digits may not repeat in cages.
• No two cages contain the exact same set of digits.
• The sum of the digits in any cage is always less than the sum in any other cage with fewer digits.
• The sum of the digits in any cage is always the same as the sum of any other cage of the same colour.