
Killer partridge in a pear sandwich

This is the first one of my puzzles to be featured on Cracking The Cryptic. I was amazed that Simon chose my puzzle to solve on Christmas Day. I created this for the December 2020 monthly puzzle prompt in the CtC fan discord server. The theme was the 12 days of Christmas.

Killer partridge in a pear sandwich

• Normal Sudoku Rules
Each row, column & 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9.
• Normal Killer Sudoku Rules.
The number in the top left corner of a cage is the sum of all the digits in the cage. Digits do not repeat within a cage.
• Normal Sandwich Rules
Outside clues are the sum of digits between the 1&9 in that row or column.
• The 5 gold rings are all sandwich crusts, i.e. either a 1 or 9.
• Some of the clues have been replaced with letters. Each letter represents a different digit.
Simon Anthony solving Phil's puzzle on Christmas Day!.
Use one of the following links to play online:

* Answer check in Penpa only checks grid contents, so if you want to add the sandwich clues in their correct places, use Black numbers.

If you are a member of the CtC discord you can rate the puzzle here