
Singing and Playing

I play percussion and tin whistle with The Bang On The Wall Band. I also play a little on the Anglo concertina. I enjoy singing traditional and not so traditional folk songs. I started, and still help to run The Poppy Folk Club in the Lady Bay Area of West Bridgford, Nottingham. I also attend a number of music sessions and other folk clubs, singarounds, etc.

I always enjoyed singing at school. We also used to sing in the car on long trips on holiday or visiting family. I never really knew anything about the amazing folk music scene though until I started getting into singing again when I joined The Sealed Knot Society. After a battle reenactment we would invariably retire to a pub somewhere and singing would usually be a big part of the evening. I discovered first Irish then English folk music when looking for some different material to sing. This then led me to discover folk clubs, and eventually morris dancing, ceilidhs and barn dances.

The Bang On The Wall Band
The Bang On The Wall Band is a barn dance and ceilidh band based in the East Midlands. Martin Wildig and I formed the band in 1997 after the previous band (The ACME Dance Company) that we both played in folded. The band works with a number of different dance callers. Our main regular caller for many years was Laz Gilbert, but nowadays I usually call the dances myself.
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Poppy Folk Club
The Poppy Folk Club meets once a month at the Poppy and Pint in the Lady Bay Area of West Bridgford, Nottingham. We have a nice big room upstairs at the pub. Generally we alternate each month between a songs and music session and a concert night where we have a guest artist to perform, followed by a singaround for anyone wanting to stay afterwards to sing or play.
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Morris Dancing
I have been bagman, squire and foreman for Anstey Morrismen, and foreman for Sergeant Musgraves Dance. I also occasionally dance with The Bunnies From Hell. My first side though was, and still is The Hinckley Plough Bullockers.
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Barn Dance and Ceilidh
I call the dances and play percussion with The Four Foot Four, The South West Ceilidh Band and with a few other barn dance and ceilidh bands here in The South West of England. Contact me if you are organising an event, or looking for somewhere to go for a dance.
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